
“Leonardo” Directed by Jim Capoblanco

Music Video

“Ninety Two Point Seven” Directed by Will Gordh

“Love Me or Hate Me” Directed by Hannah Lux Davis

“My Southern Can is Mine” Directed by James Gerrity

“Never Been to Athens” Directed by Jimmy Ahlander


“Crystal” Directed by Shira Dillon

“Freudian Eyebrow” Directed by Stephen Mouton

“God Thinks You’re A Loser” Directed by Gary Chason

“The Last Supper of Salvador Dali” Directed by Igor Serbin

Student Film

“Allegiance: The Legend of Isaac Jones” Directed by Ted Garland & Katie Valovcin

“Breadwinner” Directed by Cornelius Murphy

“Collecting Things” Directed by Michael Raynes

“Eddie and The Alternate Universe” Directed by Samuel Lemberg

“Hotline” Directed by Shira Dillon

“Napoleon’s Charm” Directed by Stefano Cipani

“Nice” Directed by Alex Mjoisness

“Pay Off” Directed by Lenka Somolova & David Pleiss

“Still Life” Directed by Jachee Lee

“Strangers” Directed by Olivia Martynchenko

“The Letter” Directed by Edward Heffernan

“The Love of A Mother” Directed by Gregory Harris

“Erase Una Vez....” Directed by Jose Carlos Espinel Velasco

Documentary Short

“Pancho Villa’s Last Son” Directed by Paul Renteria

“Breaking Boundries: The Art of Alex Masket” Directed by Dennis Connors

“Dig Comics” Directed by Miguel Cima

“Life As Cinema” Directed by David Rapoporrt

“Modern Day Slaves-OFW Overseas Foreign Workers” Directed by Ted Unarce

“Quanto Vale?” Directed by Lisa Mastramico

Documentary Feature

“Bodmers Reise” Directed by Luke Gasser

“Equal Economic Education” Directed by Desire Dubounet

“Les Couleurs Du Prisme, La Mecanique Du Temps” Directed by Caux Jacqueline

“Mixed Blood, A soul’s Embrace” Directed by Andrea Canetta

“Opelo Za Bobija Fisera” Directed by Igor Stevanovic

“Vivir De Pie. Las Guerras De Cipriano Mera” Directed by Valenti Figueres Jorge Figueres

“What Love Does” Directed by Phillip Gay

“Orient Top Town” Directed by Gina See-Yuen Wong

Narrative Short

“The Dark Room” Directed by Z. Eric Yang

“Collector” Directed by Dempsey Tillman

“Jack and Jen” Directed by Christopher Morgan

“Sorry About Last Night” Directed by Stephanie Jackson

“Tick Tock” Directed by Waleed Bedour

“Abidjan” Directed by Alexander AE Etseyatse

“In The Dominican” Directed by Adam Macdonald

“War Is A Bitch” Directed by Ronald Armstrong

“Dangerous Significance” Directed by Sean Karlin

“Yoga Man” Directed by Rob Lambert

“Lock Speed Action” Directed by Russell Griffith

“Broken” Directed by Yadi Valerio

“Lions, Tigers, Bears” Directed by Michael Farrell

“No Asians....It’s Not My Thing” Directed by Scott Eriksson

“Alberta, Detroit” Directed by John Wilberding

“Unconditionally” Directed by Nelson Cragg

“Lunchtime Confidential” Directed by Ryan Parsons

“Kilo” Directed by Kiel Murray & Phil Lorin

“Empty Space” Directed by Rob Underhill

“Pattern: Response” Directed by Stephen Krystek

“One Step Forward Two Steps Back” Directed by Monique Carmona

“The New, True, Charlie Wu” Directed by Bob Pondillo

Narrative Feature

“A Kiss For Jed Wood” Directed by Maurice Linanne

“Are You For Great Sex” Directed by Cynthia Hsiung

“Backroad” Directed by Wayne Slaten

“Blindlings” Directed by Wolfgang Weigl

“The Crimson Mask” Directed by Elias Plagianos

“Dancing on A Dry Salt Lake” Directed by Dominique De Fazio

“Overload” Directed by Robert Fritz

“The Safe House” Directed by William Morroni

“Freiends & Lovers” Directed by Ron Pike

“Bad Memmories” Directed by Gustavo Santi

“The Anniversary” Directed by John Campea

“Four Roses” Directed by Kris De Meester

“A Stray Cat In Brooklyn” Directed by Jose Landivar

“Best Supporting Daddy” Directed by John Whaley

“The Last Musketeer” Directed by Art Zapata & Emre Korkmaz

“In 200 Characters or Less” Directed by Mauro Giuffrida

“Auf Wiedersehen: Til We Meet Again” Directed by Linda G. Mills & Brian Dilg

“The Subhuman” Directed by R. Hall & Max Bellamy

“Funeral Arrangements” Directed by Anwar Jamison


“Perfect Merger” by Daniel D. Molinoff

“Family Secret” by Warren Hull

“Band of Angels” by Michael Baley

“Ghost of A Chance” by John Andreini

“Outrider” by Daniel D. Mollinoff

“Bakker’s Dozen” by Daniel D. Molinoff

“My Way” by Judah Ray Neiditch

“Hampton Court-Episode 4-Hunting Party” by James Kirtland

“Anne Bonny, Pirate” by Nathan Goldman

“Triptych” by Wayne Keeley

“Buckingham’s Palace” by Steve Pickle

“My Dead Wife” by Pamela Beck

“Delliah’s Secret” by Dianca Denay

“Jennifer, Rusell & B. Bugeyes” by Marce Swing

“Ripper” by Joe Randazzo

“Once Upon A Time In Hollywood” by Ron Podell

“Hampton Court” by James Kirtland

“Frozen Fire” by Paul Pawlowski

“Sadie Hawkins Day”  by Stacy Keane & Samantha Cade

“The Fix” by Robert Burns

“Land of The Free, Home of The Slave” by Cliff Zimowski

“Our Iceberg Is Melting” by Lyle Hogue

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Spring 2010 Award of Merit Winners

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